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Meet Southminster: Connie Hoff, Congregational Life Commission

Connie Hoff

Hi, my name is Connie Hoff. I’ve be a member of Southminster for 25 years. I’ve have taught Sunday school for 10 years, served as deacon for 3 terms and been a member of Congregational Life for 15 years. If you recognize my name but not my face, I also served on the Pastoral Nominating Committee.

I was born in Pennsylvania, but moved all around the country in my youth. In fact, I went to 3 high schools in different states. I moved to St. Louis in my 20’s, and have planted myself here.

One month after arriving in St. Louis, I was interviewed and received an accounting job from a very cute guy. Three years later, Ed and I were married. So yes, I married my boss! We have two sweet handsome sons. Kyle is 26 and is a Physician’s Assistant at Mercy Heart Center. Sam is 25 and is in Boulder, Colorado, studying for his PhD in Chemical Engineering. Ed and I couldn’t be more proud of our sons. The only thing missing now is grandchildren.

Ten years ago two of the most devastating things happened in my life. We lost our house due to a fire, and my mom had a debilitating stroke. My sister, Debbie, and I were caretakers for my parents the next 8 years. I learned that possessions were not important, but people and relationships are. It gave me a heart for service.

I enjoy volunteering at Isaiah 58, and attending Bible study. In my free time I love to travel, read and crafts of any kind. That’s the reason you will always find me in the craft room during VBS.

I am pleased and honored to serve as your new elder of Congregational Life along with elder chair, Teri Schoenberg. Your input, questions and needs are always welcomed. If you like parties, join our commission.

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