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"The only true bond of Church-wide unity consists in this, that Christ, who reconciled us to the God the Father, gather us into the fellowship of his body, so that through his one Word and Spirit we may all join together with one heart and one soul."


- John Calvin


We are part of the Presbyterian Church (USA), a connected and covenanted denomination committed to advancing values of Christ in our world: justice for the poor, mercy for the needy, and love for the stranger.


We trust in the Bible, gather for weekly worship, break bread with one another in small groups, and serve our community in mission work.



With the Global Church:

Presbyterians, as with all Christians, believe in three essential doctrines.


In these three beliefs we stand side by side with Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and other Protestant churches as part of God’s one church.


1 Jesus is the center of our faith and his death and resurrection are the cornerstone of our ministry.


2 The Bible is God’s story about Jesus and humanity and it contains everything necessary for salvation.


3 God is to be understood as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  The mystery of the trinity is that God is one, three-in-one.

With Protestant Churches:

The focus of protestant churches is a preeminence of 5 doctrines, often call the “5 Solas.”


These set us apart from the Catholic and Orthodox churches in understanding and practice, but do not break the bond of unity we share in Christ.


They were developed during the Protestant Reformation.


1 “Faith alone(Sola Fide) The Bible is clear that we are saved by faith, not by works, or merit.


2 “Grace alone(Sola Gratia) Jesus gives us salvation for free, even though we do not deserve it.


3 “Scripture alone(Sola Scriptura) The Bible is our sole authority in matters of faith and practice, not the church leaders or institutional traditions. 


4Christ alone(Solo Christo) Jesus is the founder and perfecter of our faith and all the church follows him and not the will of rulers or governments.


5Glory to God alone(Soli Deo Gloria) All the actions of the church must seek to glorify God in thought, word and deed.

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With Presbyterianism:

The theology of Presbyterianism (often called “Reformed” theology) is the tradition from John Calvin in Switzerland and the John Knox from Scotland.


It is a particular understanding of God, Scripture, and the church that, while different from other protestant churches, does not negate the faith and service of other denominations.  Presbyterians understand these ideas to be paramount to how we experience and live out our faith.


1 Election of the people of God for service as well as for salvation,


2 Covenant life marked by a disciplined concern for order in the church according to the Word of God;


3 A Faithful Stewardship that shuns ostentation and seeks proper use of the gifts of God’s creation; and


4 The recognition of the human tendency to idolatry and tyranny, which calls the people of God to work for…


5 The Transformation of Society by seeking justice and living in obedience to the Word of God.


bedrock beliefs of our church

The Bible is the holy, true word of God and the only guide for faith and life.

All humanity is made in God's image and is precious.


God delights in our Worship and is moved by our prayers.

Jesus Christ is God's only son, fully God and fully human.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and none shall come to the Father except through Him.

We are all sinners in need of a Savior.

Jesus Christ died on the cross to defeat death, pay for the sins of the world, and redeem creation.  He rose from the dead that we would have life now and eternally.

We show our love of the triune God by heeding what Jesus commanded.

The Holy Spirit transforms us into the likeness of Christ.

God calls us to be a holy people, an instrument in God's hand.

God gives every person gifts for ministry to be used for the glory of God.

We are called to love and serve one another as Jesus Christ first loved and served us.

We are to share the good news with everyone.

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Interested and want to see more? Worship is at 10:00am every Sunday. Children of all ages are invited to Sunday School after the Time with Children in the service.


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©2023 by Southminster Presbyterian Church

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