My name is Carolynn Boehmer and I started attending Southminster in 1978. I grew up at Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, was married there and our boys were baptized there but weren’t happy in Sunday School. When I found Southminster and the boys found school friends and were happy here, I joined the church in 1979.

I was born in a small farming community in Southeastern Iowa at my maternal grandparents home. Before I was 1 year old we moved Washington, D.C. and we lived there for 6 or 7 years until Dad was transferred to St. Louis with a group of men to start what became the Defense Mapping Agency overseen by the U.S. Air Force.
My husband, Todd, and I were married 56 years ago and today have I two sons and two stepsons.
Because we started life together later than most, we have 3 grandchildren (ages 3,6, and 43) and two great- grandkids (ages 15 and 18). Our great-granddaughter started college this fall. Our oldest son is a pharmacist in Florida and the other is a Manager for a large pool company out of Atlanta overseeing development programs. Both step-sons are retired and enjoying life.
As a youngster at Kirkwood Presbyterian, I got involved in the Youth Group and loved all that we did. I attended Mound Ridge the first two years it was open and returned several years later as a leader. After joining Southminster, when the Handbell Choir formed, I played until we lost our leader. Since retiring, I have been Treasurer for the Women’s Association and for the last several years I have served as chair for the annual Rummage Sale. Currently I am serving my 3rd term on Session having served on Congregational Life and currently as Chair of the Worship Commission.