It’s almost time for Operation Christmas Child! Our Shoebox Packing Party will be Nov 17 after church. We’ll have a pizza lunch and then pack shoeboxes for children overseas. Although the Missions Commission has collected the essentials (school supplies and personal care items), we are asking for donations of clothing.
We learned last year that new articles of clothing can actually help protect children because it says that someone is looking out for them. If you would like to donate some clothing for the shoeboxes, the following link will give you an idea of what the needs are Operation Christmas Child's Amazon Clothing Page
Many of you also helped last year by purchasing WOW gifts. Here is a link for WOW gifts: Operation Christmas Child's Amazon WOW Page
Another way you can participate is my donating money to offset the $10 shipping fee per shoebox for overseas shipping. Please indicate “Shoebox” on your check or envelope.
Our shoeboxes will be distributed by Samaritan’s Purse to churches overseas to spread the good news of Jesus to children and families around the world. We hope to see you on Nov. 17th!