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  • Writer's picturePastor Karl Hauser

Important and Urgent Work

With back to school, summer vacations ending, and the fall church season gearing up, it seems like a lot needs to be done: family schedule, work events, neighbors, sports.  How do we prioritize?  If I don’t write a to-do list, I end up doing things that are not important or urgent and foregoing the things are perhaps more important but more difficult.  When I keep it all in my head it is easy to get distracted-- SQUIRREL! 

How do you prioritize choices?  I remember seeing a grid of “Important vs Unimportant” with “Urgent vs Not Urgent” to help make decisions.  In the four squares on this grid, you could easily categorize your tasks.  Urgent tasks were important or not important, non-urgent tasks were also important or not important.  In theory, it helps focus on what to do now, and what can wait until later.  It helps when you don’t make your Dr appointment because your worried about what she might tell you (or not tell you), or you spend all your time fixing a useless gadget to distract from cleaning the whole garage.

In the Bible, Jesus knows what is important and urgent.  Jesus does not waste time on the unimportant because God has given him the ultimate task of bringing salvation to humanity.  That is kind of a big deal.  And, Jesus knows his impending crucifixion and death are coming so his duties are urgent as well.  He can’t just sit back and take a little vacay or some “me-time” and pick up his ministry when he feels like it.

People who follow Jesus know that there is always a deeper priority to serve in Jesus’ name.  For those who think Jesus is not important, or his calling is not urgent, they see Jesus as a troublemaker, a liar, a blasphemer or worse, useless.  It can be easy for us to put Jesus in the backseat and think “I’ll have time for church later,” or “I’ll pray tomorrow, since I’m busy today.”  When Jesus becomes a non-urgent and non-important part of our lives, all other priorities become idols, things we worship instead of God.

I had some delicious bbq chicken leftovers in the fridge last week.  I was so excited that I could eat them any time. Each day I thought, “I’ll save that chicken for a treat.”  Can you guess what happened?  I waited so long the chicken spoiled.  We need to be reminded that Jesus’ message to us is urgent, it demands we act today!  It is important and requires us to examine our lives and change our habits.

This coming month the Nominating Committee will begin the task of discerning future leadership for Southminster. I ask that you be in prayer as well for our church leaders.  Perhaps Jesus is calling you, your voice, your experience and insight to help lead us into the future! If you want to grow in a fun and fulfilling role, get to know more people, and deepen your own faith at Southminster, this important and urgent calling may be for you!

          Pastor Karl


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