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Serving Lindbergh Lights The Way

Karen Scott

The Lindbergh Summer Café program was a huge success this past Summer! Thanks to all you that helped get it off the ground. Suma and I went to a meeting in late April about how the Lindbergh School District wanted to feed the children of the district during the summer who received free or reduced lunches throughout the school year. The meeting was about finding the best way to accomplish this.

The Lindbergh staff had a pretty good handle on what they were going to do. One thing that was bothering them was a place they could use as a distribution center every day of the week, starting the last week in May...not much time for sure. It was suggested to me that we could use our church. I thought it was a great idea, took it to Session and they unanimously approved the use of the facility.

I told Lindbergh that our church was available and from there they arranged, bringing the food for packing, recruiting drivers to deliver the lunches to designated areas and/or homes three days a week. Social workers from the Lindbergh School District made up the list of recipients.

Next year, they would like to expand it to five days a week. I am also hoping to have more information earlier so that maybe more of you can participate!

Karen Scott,

Elder of Mission Commission

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