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Job Description: Volunteer(s) in Mission for Hands on Mission

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Team has opened applications for the following position. Ideally someone who knows Southminster is preferred, but it is open to the wider community. There will be training and overlap with the outgoing leader so the new employee is able to be brought up to speed. If anyone is interested, they may contact the church by email for further details. Applications accepted through July 15th. DESCRIPTION: This position is for a voluntary leader or co-leaders to coordinate the hands on mission opportunities of the church. The leader/co-leaders work in tandem with those members who wish to offer their time and talents in God’s service by participating in hands on missions. ACCOUNTABILITY: The person/persons who hold this position are accountable to the Session through the Mission Commission and are under the supervision of the Pastor. QUALIFICATIONS:

  1. A strong desire in serving God through “the least of these” in mission activities.

  2. Ability to research community needs and projects that will have potential interest to church members.

  3. Ability to develop a relationship with the various mission organizations.

  4. Recruiting and inspiring church members to participate in the work of the missions.

  5. A willingness to take responsibility to arrange transportation or use of a personal vehicle by participants.

  6. Ability to communicate courteously, tactfully and effectively.

  7. A self-starter exhibiting initiative, organizational skills and priority setting.


  1. The leader/co-leaders will relate to the congregation as recruiters and coordinators.

  2. The leader/co-leaders will pass new projects and relationships through the Mission Commission. Funds for any projects will be paid by this commission if required.

  3. The Session will direct budgeting for administrative costs, approved training, attendance at mission conferences, supplies and transportation.

  4. Annual reviews will be done by the Mission Commission with input from the Pastor and individuals with whom interactions occur.

  5. The co-leaders will share responsibilities for the required work.


  1. Counting all items donated in the Isaiah 58 food pantry closet every Friday. Organizing 8-14 volunteers every Friday to deliver the items to the I58 food pantry, stocking the shelves then unloading the I58 truck which picks up food from area grocery stores. Volunteers then help distribute the food to those in need.

  2. Organizing 5 volunteers on the 2nd and last Wednesday of each month to serve lunch at the Pilgrim Soup Kitchen for those in need of a hot meal.

  3. For those members of our church who are unable to physically participate in the above programs, they can bring canned and boxed food items to the church pantry closet or give the leader/co-leader money to purchase food for which they will give them a receipt of the items purchased.

  4. Promoting the Change Jar on Sundays at church by asking members to donate their loose change to help fund the many missions the church supports. About every two months the leader/co-leader takes the change to the change machine at a bank and the cash received is given to the church Business Manager to deposit into the Change Jar account to be used by the Mission Commission as needs arise.

  5. Promoting the Schnuck’s e-script cards as the profit received helps fund the many missions the church supports.

  6. Promoting the annual Buy-A-Bird campaign before Thanksgiving to collect donations from church members to help Isaiah 58 purchase gift cards for turkeys for Thanksgiving and hams for Christmas to those registered families. The leader/co-leader also recruits volunteers to help me shop for food for the bags that are also given to the families. Money from the Mission Commission supports this purchase of food.

  7. Organizing volunteers in July to fill 100 school back packs with school supplies for those children in need near the Isaiah 58 Ministry in the city. Money from the Mission Commission supports this project.

  8. Meeting with the Business Manager monthly to review deposits made to the Youth Account and Change Jar Account.

  9. Attending monthly Mission Commission meetings to update the members about on-going projects.

  10. Promoting in the weekly bulletins and monthly newsletters opportunities for members who want to participate in the current missions.

  11. Attends staff meetings.

Send an email if you are interested in applying or have further questions.

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