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Churches Helping Those with Mental Illness

Pastor Karl Hauser

In the history of the church in America, the Presbyterians have been a long-time champion of helping those with mental disabilities. The PC(USA) and predecessor denominations have been developing resources for congregations and individuals to engage and help those with learning and emotional disorders. The recent General Assembly here in St. Louis recently saw the churches of our denomination

vote to increase the grant funding for Presbyteries to expand their care and ministry to people with serious mental illness.

Aside from the many great people throughout history who have struggled with mental illness like Abraham Lincoln, Vincent Van Gogh and Terry Bradshaw, many of us have friends or family that have been diagnosed with some form of mental illness; whether it affects our learning, our emotions, or our body, we are all touched in some way. The church’s role is to help.

In 2019, I would like Southminster to begin looking at ways we can participate in the larger conversation about mental illness in our community. There is a lot of need right in our own backyard. By gathering resources from other agencies and dear friends in our own church, we can promise a brighter future for many who are struggling today.

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