My name is Steve Hasenmueller. I started attending Southminster in late 1986. Patty and I were married in August 1986 at Southminster Church. Patty has been a member of Southminster since she was a little girl. I was born in St. Louis and grew up in Sunset Hills. It was a great area to grow up. Most of my good friends today are from this area. I graduated from Vianney High School. After Vianney, I earned a bachelor’s degree in business from Drury University (where I met Patty). Then, in 1986, earned an MBA.
Patty and I have three wonderful children. Katie is 28 years old and lives in San Francisco with her husband Nico. They are techy’s. Megan is 26 and lives in St. Charles. Megan teaches English at Winfield High School. Pete is 22 and he just landed a job with Commerce Bank as a credit analyst. All three were baptized and confirmed at Southminster Church. They are outstanding young adults with a deep faith. Southminster played an enormous role in shaping them and their beliefs. Patty and I are grateful for that.
I am an Independent Investment Advisor with LPL Financial. I have managed money for over 30 years. I love the markets, particularly the stock market. I am blessed to have such a good group of clients to work with. My hobbies are playing sports, reading and studying markets. I have played or coached almost every sport. Golf and tennis are my two favorites. I played college tennis and continued to play competitively into
my mid 30s.
Southminster is a wonderful church with people of strong faith, generous hearts and smiling faces. After service on Sunday, I feel inspired to take on the world. It is a safe place with kind, loving people. I serve on the Congregational Stewardship Commission. Last year I was lead Elder and this year Larry Charpiot will lead our commission. Our main job is the “Estimate of Giving” drive in the fall. We have a wonderful group
on this commission. They are extremely faithful and bright. We have a lot of fun! Working on the session and the commission has allowed me to expand my friendships at the church. Rest assured, Southminster is in good hands with the leadership currently in place and I feel very confident about our future.